Ignite Gallery bietet Importscript für die Joomgallery

24 Juli 2023 12:42 #51220 von adiheutschi.ch
Hallo Zusammen

Zur info: Wer nicht auf die neue Joomgallery für J4 warten kann, bietet die Ignite Gallery neu ein Importscript, für die bestehende Joomgallery.

Infos und Script findet Ihr hier:  Migrationscript
www.ignitegallery.com/   The import script will import the following items from Joomgallery:
  • Category/Gallery: name / alias / parent / description / published state / author / meta description / ordering / thumbnail preview image
    **passwords are not imported, because of complications with password encryption
    **in Ignite gallery, gallery access is controlled in the profile settings, not in the category, so access is not imported, but can be set easily.
  • Image: original image file / gallery id / image title / author / description / date / hits / access / published state / ordering
    **optionally you can also import from the image file: exif description / iptc title, tags, description / exif Camera Make/Model, Date, Aperture, Exposure time, ISO, Focal length, GPS location
  • Comment: image id / ip address / author / comment text / date / published state
  • Rating: image id / ip address / author / date / published state / if the rating is 3 or over, it is imported as 1 'vote' in ignite gallery.


Viele Grüsse

Adi Heutschi
www.adiheutschi.ch - webdesign - hosting - seo

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